Maine Coast Solar Bares

Attendance at our Pool Parties does not require any memberships.

MCSB memberships gets you a discount at our Pool Parties, plus voting and Newsletter.

TNS and/or AANR memberships are national organizations, which give you discounts and benefits at resorts and particular regional events.


Mail to: MCSB PO. Box 1464, Auburn, ME 04211-1464


Mailing Address:

Town:_____________________________________ State:__ ____ Zip:___________

Tel:_________________________ May we leave a message?_____

New?:______ Renewal number: __________

e-mail address:_________________________________________________________

MCSB's Annual Dues $30 per couple $20 per single:____________enclosed

AANR and The Naturist Society have multiple tiers and options. You should decide/choose which one and then go though us for a small discount & branding:_______________enclosed